details & FAQ’s

You want new headshots, good for you! You want to shoot with me, even good-er for you! 

‘Cause I’m here to help you get the shots you need.

Now for the fun stuff… homework. I know, I hate homework too. But it’s the homework that will contribute to getting great shots – The shots that your agents will love and will help get you in the room.  

Having a game plan for your session will keep us focused to get you what you need within the time frame (package) you have chosen.

For example, If you wanna get more looks done in a one-hour session, best to have those “looks” planned out before you arrive. 


  1. Business: Button down / Jacket / No Jacket – Add Tie  
  2. Upscale casual: Floral Pink blouse / Add Scarf  
  3. Hip Casual: Graphic tee / Add Blazer / Add Glasses / Hair in Ponytail

Remember, casting offices see 1000’s of submissions for every role, I want to get you headshots that are uniquely you, convey characters that you play and will pop off their screen and make them want to “click” and call you in.

Please take the time to look through FAQ’s bellow to help you with any questions you may have!


About my Studio…

I shoot out of my apartment in the Studio City area.

Please note: The building has a set of stairs leading up to the front entrance. THERE IS NO ELEVATOR. So if access is an issue, consider shooting with another photographer.

There is usually plenty of street parking out front. Street sweeping is Friday's from 8am to 10am but no other parking time restrictions.

Nope!  I’m shooting out of the second room in my apartment. It’s a small space but perfect for getting great shots!. You don’t need a big fancy studio to get actor headshots. Check out my gallery, if you haven’t yet. You would never know these weren’t done in some big fancy studio in an industrial park somewhere in downtown Los Angeles. 

I do not have snacks or beverages available. Please feel free to BRING YOUR OWN WATER, snacks etc. Bring what you need to feel great and ready to be your best self!*


Please note: The building has a set of stairs leading up to the front entrance. THERE IS NO ELEVATOR.

I shoot with all studio lighting (Flashes) this allows me to shoot even when it’s cloudy, rainy or completely dark outside.

It means my camera is attached to a computer so you can instantly see your photo after it’s taken. This way you know right away if your hair & MU, wardrobe or backdrop is working for you. This is the time to make any changes if needed. I like to shoot a few shots and then show them to you so you can see the direction we’re going in. To me, it makes it so much better to see how things are instead of waiting to get your shots after the session only to realize you hated how things looked.

Yes! I have a portable Bluetooth speaker so make a playlist on your phone that makes you happy or gets you in the mood you need for your shoot and we’ll link it up and have some fun!

Yes, I have two clothes racks.

Yes, I have a professional lighted make-up mirror, a tall director's chair and a table to put on your make-up.

You can change in the bathroom that's all yours during the shoot.

scheduling your shoot…

Send us a message over on the contact page and we’ll get back to you to setup a time and date that works for both of us. A $75 non-refundable deposit will be collected to hold your appointment. Please review the reschedule policy right below for more information on that.

I understand that things move fast as an actor and there can be changes to our schedules regularly. I am open to adjustments in time frames if you let me know the evening before your shoot day. If you tell me within 24 hours of our shoot time that you need time frame adjustments, I will do my best to work with you. Let’s chat the night before, and I will do my best to accommodate your time frame changes.

If we can’t make the changes work, you may move your shoot day to another day and your deposit will go toward holding your next shoot schedule date. 

Rescheduling more than 7 days later than your original shoot date: You may change your shoot day and your deposit will hold your new shoot date – up to 30 days from your original shoot day. You may change your shoot date only one time only before you forfeit your deposit. 

Rescheduling fewer than 7 days later than your original shoot date: I will do my best to work it out with you! There are no guarantees that I can book your new shoot date quickly. Your deposit will be good for 30 days from your originally scheduled shoot day. You may change your shoot date only one time only before you forfeit your deposit. 

ILLNESS: DO NOT COME IF YOU ARE SICK AT ALL. PLEASE STAY HOME!  It’s NEVER good – Not for you and not for me! So don't show up sick to a photo shoot. No one wants to have "sick face" in their photos. And I do not want to get sick. Even if it’s that morning and we are shooting that day. Please, please, please reschedule. We’ll figure it out. Your deposit will be good for 30 days from your original shoot day. 

You may change your package type up to 7 days before your shoot date if my schedule permits.

Canceling outright: Your deposit is forfeited. 

NO SHOWS:  Your deposit is forfeited.

If I need to reschedule your appointment for any reason, you will be entitled to a full refund of your deposit if you do not wish to reschedule.


All of our pricing information is available on our pricing page

I accept Zelle*, Venmo*, Paypal and Cash (exact amount). Must pay with the "friends" option. If you want to pay the "goods and services" on any app you will be charged the additional service charge. (3.5% on PayPal and1.9% on Venmo)


*Your credit card company may have fees and charges for using these apps. I am not responsible for your fees and charges from your credit card company.

Hell yes! And thanks for shooting with me again. Anyone who shoots an hour or longer package will get a "returning client discount" on a future hour or longer shoot. We’ll talk about it when you book your appointment. There are no returning client discounts for “The Quickie” package.

You shoot with me. That's how! I use only studio flashes, which means I don’t need daylight for my sessions. I offer shoots during days / evenings* / after auditions, work, or family time / even on Saturdays! 

Please note for weekday sessions during business hours: I’m a full-time working actor. I go on auditions as well and since that's my main source of income I will not miss an audition as I'm sure you don't want to miss an audition either. So if you can only book a weekday/ during business hours, session you have to be flexible along with me. We MUST talk the night before to confirm that neither of us has an audition. If one of us does, I'll do my best to work around our audition times. That could mean, shooting earlier or later in the same day.

This is why I offer evening* and Saturday session times so we both can avoid missing an audition. I mean, that's what we're all here for to get auditions and to book, am I right?

*Evening shoots must START BEFORE 8pm.

before the shoot…

YES!! Show up to your session knowing what you want from the session. Talk your agents & managers and see what they want for your shots. If you don’t have an agent or manager, think about what types of characters you play or want to play. Your wardrobe should speak to that character type. 

Be honest with yourself. Do you play white collar workers or blue collar types? Are you a detective or a murderer? If you are a murderer type, did you just rob a drug store or hack into a high level security system.

Do you wear yoga pants and drink white wine with your friends or do you work four jobs just to support your family? 

Hint at these characters with your wardrobe, and bring your best acting chops so we can capture that in your headshot. I will also help guide you as we are shooting, as I am an actor as well!

Here are some ways to help find wardrobe looks:

  1. Watch commercials, TV shows, etc. Which character would you play? Look how that person is dressed, remember they most likely got dressed by a professional stylist so that’s how you should be dressing for your shoot. 
  2. Look at celebrity or other actor headshots and copy their looks.
  3. Hire a stylist. Like Caroline Fogarty (Styled By A Ginger) or Buckley Sampson (Image by Buckley). Both are incredibly talented and amazing at what they do – and they're great people to boot!Caroline Fogarty also offers an added option to join you during your shoot to make sure your wardrobe is on point during the session.

We want you to be relaxed and ready to bring it and your plan will help us do that. 

This is an  investment in your career. I know this may sound overwhelming – but you will be glad you came prepared. 

Come in with a great attitude, stay loose to changes (even though you had a plan!) and let’s have some fun! 

We can get the best shots when you are in the moment and letting your creative self take center stage.

YES YOU SHOULD AS THEY ARE WORTH EVERY PENNY – If you're going to spend any extra money on your headshot session, spend it on getting a great wardrobe stylist. And  yes, I would get a stylist instead of getting a hair and make up person, if you're on a budget. I personally think this is the best money spent (after me of course). I’m not a stylist. I may offer a suggestion, but it doesn’t mean it’s a good one. Having an expert help you select your wardrobe for your session is very valuable, saves you time to get more looks in a shorter time frame and will help you achieve the vibe you are wanting. They also are great at color options for your coloroing and they also know what really pops off the screen – so casting will click on your headshot!

Here are two stylists that I highly recommend - Caroline Fogarty (Styled by a Ginger) and Buckley Sampson (Image by Buckley) . Both are incredibly talented and amazing at what they do – and they're great people to boot! 

Caroline Fogarty also offers an added option to join you during your shoot to make sure your wardrobe is on point during the session.

Do I feel it's 100% necessary to get a hair & make up person... honestly, no. I'd rather you spend your money on a wardrobe stylist. Remember, these aren't glamor shots. If you WANT glamor shots, I'm not your guy, there's plenty of headshot photographers out there that will glam you up. I just don't believe in that. These headshots must look like you when you walk into the audition room or self-tape. Unless you're lucky enough to have a H&MU person on staff, you're usually the one doing your own make up for your auditions. Just do it for your headshots as well. Also, not to toot my own horn, but my retouching is really good, subtle, but really good.

This is only my 2 cents so take it for what it is. But, if you want a H&MU person please read everything in this section to learn more...

As I do not have a makeup artist that works for me, exclusively and you are under no obligation to use the following amazing artists but here's a couple of make up artists that I recommend. Please contact them directly for any pricing info and appointments:

Kelsey Link

Bethany Johnson

IMPORTANT: I take NO responsibility for make-up artists or stylists canceling on you – You enter into an agreement with your makeup artist or stylist directly. We highly encourage you to keep communication open and clear throughout your planning process. Before you hire a makeup artist, get referrals, look at their work, confirm rates, and ask about their contingency plan if they need to cancel. The deposit to hold your spot with us is entirely unrelated to your makeup artist or stylist. If you must cancel due to someone canceling, you are still responsible for our agreement and my cancelation policies.


PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU PLAN ON USING A H&MU ARTIST. As we have to figure out scheduling. Are you planning on going to the H&MU artist before the session? If so, make sure you're still to me 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment. Are planning on bringing your H&MU to my apartment for your session? If so, I allow 30 minutes of time before your session to have your H&MU done. Any time needed after that 30 minutes counts against your session time so please plan accordingly.

If you're doing some type of specialty makeup for your one of your headshot looks, that can eat into your scheduled session time. If you do have specialty looks, I highly recommend getting at least the two hour package.

There will be no extra time before your session for H&MU given to anyone shooting the "Quickie" package.

If you want to schedule around a your makeup artist, that's fine, just let us know you need more time to confirm your date with them. If your preferred HMUA cancels on you last minute for any reason and you opt not to come in your scheduled session, you will lose your deposit.

Another thing to keep in mind is that I am still a full-time actor. Any session I do on a weekday, during the day is subject to change if either of us has an audition that occurs on our scheduled headshot session day/time. I usually reach out the night before to make sure neither of us do have auditions. I will not be held responsible in any way for any scheduling issues with your H&MU artist if I have to adjust our shoot day/time because I have an audition or booking. This is just the nature of the beast if you want to shoot with me. The BEST thing to do if you NEED a H&MU artist is to schedule a Saturday shoot with me. That will reduce the chance of either of us having auditions on the shoot day.

You can if you like! This way we can reference the looks you want to get during the session. I can also help us form a game plan when you arrive. At that time, we will decide what backdrop color will work best. That's why I ask you arrive early for your session to set up our own game plan for your shoot.

The day of the shoot…

You must arrive 30 minutes before your call time if you’re getting your hair and make-up done. Let me know 72 hours prior to your shoot date what time you need to arrive with your hair/MU person. If you feel like you'll need more time with your HMUA then maybe plan another time and place to get ready and then head over to the studio. If you do that, please arrive 15 minutes earlier than your call time.

Whether by a professional or doing it yourself. If you are arriving to the studio with hair / make-up ready – 15 minutes should be enough.

Please make sure your hair/MU person knows to be here early as well.

I need to be able to keep a schedule and not effect other client's start times. So please be mindful of your call time. I understand that there are a lot of unforeseen instances that can cause someone to be late. But if you are running late, let me know right away. I will give you a number to call for emergencies in an email to you after you've booked your session and given your deposit.

Sorry, No pets, kids or multiple family members are allowed. You may bring ONE PERSON to the shoot (not including a hair & MU artist or wardrobe stylist.)

YES! Have all outfits ready to go once you arrive. If you're wardrobe is all wrinkled it could affect that final results of your shoot. Also, if you're taking time here at the studio to steam out wrinkles you're taking time away from your shoot.

Nope! That's on you as I'm not an expert. I can offer some advice but can't be held responsible if you or your reps don't like what you're wearing in your shoot. I always suggest using a wardrobe stylist. It's the best money you can spend after me of course!

Here are two stylists that I highly recommend - Caroline Fogarty (Styled by a Ginger) and Buckley Sampson (Image by Buckley) . Both are incredibly talented and amazing at what they do – and they're great people to boot!

Caroline Fogarty also offers an added option to join you during your shoot to make sure your wardrobe is on point during the session.

Yes, I’m all about making sure you hit your characters. I will help you get into a frame of mind. I don’t want you to verbalize it – Say it with your eyes. Look down the barrel of my lens and deliver your thoughts into the camera, it will pick it up, trust me.

Yes, I do BUT to get the best shots you HAVE to remove the lenses before coming over for your session. Even with "no glare" glasses, it is difficult to get a completely glare free shot. So, it's best to remove the lenses before coming over to shoot. Trust me there are tons of videos on YouTube on how to remove and replace lenses without causing damage to your frames.

Not really, but it does take time. I would say it takes me about 3 or 4 minutes to change the backdrop. This time is something to think about when you're shooting within your package's time frame.

At this moment I have the following backdrop colors from SAVAGE SEAMLESS PAPER:

Egg shell, Pure White, Black, Cocoa, Pecan, Coral, Ruby, Rustic, Teal, Tulip, Ultramarine, Sky Blue, True Blue, Canary and Olive Green.

My wall is currently painted a darker grey similar to the Thunder Gray paper.

Knowing this information might help you when putting together your wardrobe game plan. It could help your pick out clothes colors and help determine what backdrop colors are best for you!

After the shoot…

When – I will try my best  to get a link to you THAT DAY or NEXT DAY. I don’t guarantee that timeframe, but that is what my goal is for you. I know how important it is to get your new shots in a timely manner. 

This is subject to change - but currently, I will email a link from my One Drive and you can download all your session photos from there. I will give you a link to one folder with HIGH RESOLUTION images.

To make an online gallery for your agents to view and pick their favorites, I highly recommend PIXIESET.COM using their FREE “Client Gallery” product. Once you have uploaded your shots, you will send your agents a link. They will provide their email address so they can save their "favorites".

All images that you get from me come with basic color correction but will not be “retouched” in any way. You get a certain amount of retouched images included in the different package options (except for The Quickie).

You can get any number of additional shots retouched with basic retouching starting at $30 per image. This includes basic blemish removal, light flyaways taming and basic wrinkle reduction. If you want more time consuming changes we can discuss your needs and I will give you a price at that time.

SHOOTING WITH GLASSES – I always recommend everyone remove the lenses from their glasses to shoot your headshots. Sometimes that’s not possible. I do my best to avoid lens glare in the glasses but it’s not always possible  to get a perfect shot with no glare. If you choose to shoot with glasses and DO NOT remove the lenses you could get a few shots with some lens glare. If you choose those shots to be retouched, the price starts at $45 per shot and can go up from there. Trying to remove lens glare from glasses is very difficult and time consuming work.

Once you've talked to your agents and picked the shots you want to use let me know which image number(s) you want me to touch up. It usually takes 2 to 7 days depending on how busy I am and how many photos you want retouched.

No, sorry we do not offer re-shoots

Why not? 

I shoot tethered. That means my camera is attached to my computer and you can instantly view your photos on my computer monitor. I will take a few shots of your “look” and If you want to adjust hair, make-up, wardrobe, backdrop, etc. this is the time to speak up and make those changes! Once you are satisfied, we will move forward with that look. We will do the same thing for your next look…and so on.

What if my agent/manager doesn’t like the shots? Sorry… no re-shoots for free. That’s why it’s important to find out exactly what’s important to your representatives before your session.

But I didn’t “bring it” in my shoot. I will do my best to bring out your best. Sometimes you just have a bad day, it happens. But I am not responsible for your bad day. I will do my best to make you forget your bad day behind the studio (apartment) doors. But the rest is on you.

I hope I was able to answer all of your questions above. If not, reach out to me on my CONTACT PAGE.

All information on this site is subject to change without notice.